When a property doesn’t go to plan

          Last week we questioned our due diligence and considered how to conduct a risk analysis that goes beyond the usual checks carried out by a solicitor and the like. In my experience, most problems can be avoided if you’re clear from the outset as to why you’re making a particular…

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Questioning your own due diligence

          When you say the term “due diligence”, most investors will naturally think about the basic checks anyone undertakes before buying a property. In fact, most investors will probably think of due diligence as being something they do after they have agreed terms to buy a property – having a valuation…

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What defines a “great” property deal?

          It’s human nature to only want to do “great” property deals. However, as I’ve mentioned before, there is a danger of getting side-tracked into trying to only do the “perfect” deal. But what constitutes a perfect deal and how can we identify a great deal over a poor deal? It…

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Stating your price

          Over the past couple of weeks we’ve been looking at what we need to factor in before beginning negotiations on a property, and so logically, the next step is to consider is the price. Once again, I must remind you that the only price you are interested in paying is…

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Achieving a mutually satisfactory outcome

          I strongly believe that the best deals are agreed when neither party is trying to take unfair advantage of the other and both sides come out of the negotiation feeling they have achieved something. But for this to take place, communication is key. Whilst analysing the right price at which…

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The right location for you

The right location for you           What I’m about to tell you is nothing new; location is key to successful property investing. But although we all know this, you’d be surprised how many people give lip service to this and end up buying the wrong property in the wrong area So…

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Common mistakes in property investing

        It’s not easy to identify what makes a good property investor and what makes a poor property investor. However, over the years I’ve recognised a number of mistakes that poor property investors make that the good ones don’t. With this in mind, this week I’m going to highlight some of the…

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Have you got what it takes?

        At some point along the investment journey, it’s only natural that you’ll ask yourself if you’ve got what it takes to cut it in the property world. I can emphatically tell you the answer is YES. Well, on the proviso that you’re prepared to work for it and have some of…

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Move out of your comfort zone

Continuing education is vital in every pursuit and profession, and property is no exception. As an author myself, you may be surprised to know that not only have I read (and listened to) literally hundreds of books/audio books about property and property investing, but that on a daily basis I still turn pages and strive…

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