Why You Shouldn’t View Properties and Why You Should Inspect Them Instead

Imagine this, you’re out viewing properties, you’re going to view this property, maybe you’re thinking it’ll make a nice flip or perhaps it’s even going to be serviced accommodation or holiday let, I don’t know, it doesn’t really matter. When we’re viewing properties this is usually what happens. We’ll go to the property, we’ll go…

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Are you a Portfolio Landlord and why does it matter?

  Are you a Portfolio Landlord? What does that even mean? How do Buy to Let Lenders define a Portfolio Landlord? And what does it mean when you are one? What are the implications? In this video my very good mortgage broker takes us through some of the things we need to be aware of…

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If You Want More Success in Property Investing, Solve More Problems

If you want more success in property, then solve more problems.   If the definition of an entrepreneur is, as I’ve heard it said, “a problem solver”, then by definition a successful property investor must be someone who solves property problems.   So by extension, if you want more success (in property investing), then you…

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Is Cash King? – Learning From The 2008 Financial Crash #8

Hi, Peter Jones, author, property investor, ex-chartered surveyor. In this series of videos I’m thinking about lessons from 2008 with a slight pivot from this video onwards because we’re going to think about things which I learned in 2008 which have been very much reinforced in 2020 and probably with a more of a business…

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This Will Happen Again – Learning From The 2008 Financial Crash #7

Hi, Peter Jones, property investor, author, and ex-chartered surveyor. In this short series of videos, I’m looking at lessons which I learned in 2008 in which we can extrapolate forward into 2020. This is one of the big lessons for me. The big lesson is lesson number five: ‘it’ whatever ‘it’ is will happen again,…

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Eggs in Baskets – Learning From The 2008 Financial Crash #6

Hi, Peter Jones, author, property investor, ex-chartered surveyor. In this short series of videos I’m looking at the lessons which I learned in 2008 which we can extrapolate forward into 2020. So far we’ve been through don’t panic, don’t confuse busyness with productivity and look after yourself which basically means having a routine making sure…

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