Finding Deals for Multiple Strategies

Estate Agents (Part 3)   In my blog posts over the past two weeks, we’ve been thinking about how to find great deals through estate agents, and this has prompted a very legitimate question. “How does one actually talk to an estate agent and find properties if they’re pursuing multiple strategies?”   For example, it…

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A top tip for finding buy to let deals

How to Find Deals: Estate Agents (Part 2)   Last week we began to think about using estate agents to find deals and this week we are going to expand upon this.   In my opinion, one of the big stumbling blocks with using agents is that when you walk into their offices and say…

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Do agents hold all the best deals back?

How to Find Deals: Estate Agents (Part 1)   Over the coming weeks, we’re going to think about how to find the property deals that are right for us. However, before we start thinking about this, we need to give some thought to something which comes first, and that’s what we are really trying to…

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Getting sophisticated with developments

Property Strategies (Part 8)   We’ve been thinking about the principal property strategies that we can use in today’s market and this week we are going to think about one of the most exciting property strategies out there – developments.   There are many different ways that we can approach a development and they can…

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Rent to Rents – a great way to get started in property!

Property Strategies (Part 7)   Next on my list of principal property strategies that we can use in today’s market is Rent to Rent.   Very simply put, rent to rent is essentially sub-letting. Now, when you usually mention the term “sub-letting”, this tends to throw up images of some form of illegal or dodgy…

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Supercharge returns with serviced accommodation

Property Strategies (Part 6)   In this series of blog posts we’ve thinking about the main strategies that we can use in property – and whilst this isn’t something that I pursue personally, this is worth thinking about as it can generate exceptionally good returns. The strategy in question is “Serviced Accommodation”.   Serviced accommodation…

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A creative approach to property investing

Property Strategies (Part 5)   This week we are going crank it up a notch and take a look at how to be more creative in our investing. For example, using “options”, delayed completion and other innovative ways of structuring deals.   Now, whilst some people ONLY follow creative strategies such as options, I prefer…

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Maximising returns with HMOs

Property Strategies (Part 4)   This week we’re going to be thinking about HMOs or Houses of Multiple Occupation. Back in the day, we would have called an HMO a bedsit – in which a number of people live together under a single roof, each with an individual room that they rent out separately. Today,…

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Flipping property for profit

Property Strategies (Part 3) This week we’re going to think about flipping. At its very core, flipping is all about buying a property as cheap as possible to then sell on and make a profit. Now, one would assume that in order to sell it on at a profit, you might have to do something…

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Buy, Refurbish, Refinance (BRR)

Property Strategies (Part 2)   Last week we took a look at basic buy to let investing and this week we’re going to look at more sophisticated ways of doing this strategy. First of all, though, let’s just recap.   At the most basic level of investing, we could buy a property, put a tenant…

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