Buying Below Market Value!

Is it really possible to buy property Below Market Value? And what does the term Below Market Value actually mean? Anyone who is involved in buy to let long enough will come across BMV and most of us will want to buy property at BMV or bargain prices. In this video we’ll have a look…

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Flipping Property To Other Investors

Estate Agents (Part 8)   Last week we began to think about flips and crucially how to find our flip properties so that we can find deals to sell on for a profit. Now, where you are going to find these properties is going to be largely determined by the type of flip that you’re…

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The Basic “Buy to Let” Strategy

Property Strategies (Part 1)   Given that many of you reading this blog post are new to investing, over the next few weeks I’m going to be looking at the different types of property strategies and the pros and cons of each.   By the way, this doesn’t mean that if you’re an experienced investor…

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Most Things That We Worry About In Property Actually Never Happen

TO SIGN UP TO MY NEWSLETTER, PLEASE CLICK HERE   10 Things I’ve Learnt (Part 2)   In this blog post we’re going to continue to think about 10 things which I’ve learnt over the past 20 years of investing for myself. Number two on the list is this: “Most Things That We Worry About…

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Buying property from developers

BMV sales themselves can set the tone of value, rendering the price paid the true value and not a discounted value. This concept is heightened when buying property from developers, particularly with regard to buying off plan. With this in mind, in this video I consider whether it’s truly possible to buy a property at…

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Do developers really give discounts?

Last week we took a look at how many inexperienced property investors assume that asking price equates to value, and how many believe that they are buying below market value when in reality they are probably buying below asking price. We also discussed how the main flaw in buying BMV is that market value is…

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True “BMV” versus “below asking price”

Many assume that a property’s asking price equates to its value. It doesn’t, or at least, it might or might not, and it’s important not to assume that the asking price reflects the true market value. In this video I take a look at the major flaws with BMV and consider why valuation is an art, not…

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The truth behind below market value (BMV)

When starting out in property it’s easy to believe that it’s all about buying below market value; after all, no self-respecting investor would attend a property networking event or post on any property forum if they weren’t negotiating furiously for 20%, 25% or 30% discounts from market value. But as I’ve mentioned before, although we…

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