BMV sales themselves can set the tone of value, rendering the price paid the true value and not a discounted value. This concept is heightened when buying property from developers, particularly with regard to buying off plan.
With this in mind, in this video I consider whether it’s truly possible to buy a property at a discount from a developer, and why BMV as a strategy is flawed.
Here’s to successful property investing
Peter Jones B.Sc FRICS
Chartered Surveyor, author and property investor
By the way… If you want to guarantee a profit, you need to know how to find the right property, how to plan the project, how to cost the refurb and budget properly, how to put the right ‘power team’ in place, and how to exit. My best selling “The Successful Property Renovator’s Workshop” takes you through this mind field and guarantees you a profit every time. Take a look at: