Flipping Property To Other Investors

Estate Agents (Part 8)   Last week we began to think about flips and crucially how to find our flip properties so that we can find deals to sell on for a profit. Now, where you are going to find these properties is going to be largely determined by the type of flip that you’re…

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Finding Properties to Flip

Estate Agents (Part 7)   Having explored buy to lets and HMOs, this week we’re going to look at how to find properties to flip. In other words, properties that we can buy and then sell on. So, how do we do this? Do we literally just walk straight into an estate agent’s office and…

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Do agents hold all the best deals back?

How to Find Deals: Estate Agents (Part 1)   Over the coming weeks, we’re going to think about how to find the property deals that are right for us. However, before we start thinking about this, we need to give some thought to something which comes first, and that’s what we are really trying to…

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Buy, Refurbish, Refinance (BRR)

Property Strategies (Part 2)   Last week we took a look at basic buy to let investing and this week we’re going to look at more sophisticated ways of doing this strategy. First of all, though, let’s just recap.   At the most basic level of investing, we could buy a property, put a tenant…

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You need to keep going no matter what

10 Things I’ve Learnt (Part 7)   It’s impossible to know what’s going to happen to you in property; but what I’ve learnt over the past 20 years of investing for myself is that if you just keep going, everything will (usually) work out fine eventually.   Regardless of how optimistic you are, you need…

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Why your property strategy and aspirations affect your tax bill

Property and UK Tax (Part 1) In my next few blog posts, I’m going to be thinking about taxes. I imagine this is probably not your favourite subject, but tax does play a vital role in property investing so please don’t navigate away just yet. At some point in your property journey you’ll be paying…

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