Putting a value on residential investments

If you don’t know the value in a deal then it’s unlikely you’ll make a profit. Paying too much for a property or alternatively selling it too cheaply will make or break a deal, and if you want to be successful you need to learn not to do either. So, let’s think about how to…

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Finding Rent to Rent Deals

Estate Agents (Part 11)   We’re thinking about where to find our property deals and this week, we’re going to give some thought to rent to rents. Now, just to make sure I’m being completely transparent, this is not a strategy which I entertain myself. However, I do know many people who undertake rent to…

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Finding Properties to Flip

Estate Agents (Part 7)   Having explored buy to lets and HMOs, this week we’re going to look at how to find properties to flip. In other words, properties that we can buy and then sell on. So, how do we do this? Do we literally just walk straight into an estate agent’s office and…

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Finding HMO Deals

Estate Agents (Part 6)   We’ve been thinking about how to find our property deals and last week we began to think about HMOs. But, where can we find properties to convert to HMOs?   The answer is the same place as where we would find our buy to lets, and that’s at the local…

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Converting Properties to HMOs

Estate Agents (Part 5)   Lately, we’ve been thinking about how we are going to find our deals and this week, I want to give some thought to HMOs. At a very simplistic level, your HMO is likely to be very similar (physically, at least) to a buy to let. As such, you’re probably going…

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Maximising returns with HMOs

Property Strategies (Part 4)   This week we’re going to be thinking about HMOs or Houses of Multiple Occupation. Back in the day, we would have called an HMO a bedsit – in which a number of people live together under a single roof, each with an individual room that they rent out separately. Today,…

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Buy, Refurbish, Refinance (BRR)

Property Strategies (Part 2)   Last week we took a look at basic buy to let investing and this week we’re going to look at more sophisticated ways of doing this strategy. First of all, though, let’s just recap.   At the most basic level of investing, we could buy a property, put a tenant…

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There’s Rarely Just One Way of Doing Things

TO SIGN UP TO MY NEWSLETTER, PLEASE CLICK HERE.   10 Things I’ve Learnt (Part 1)   This is the first in a new series of blog posts in which I’m going to share with you ten things that I’ve learned over the past twenty years of investing for myself.     The very first…

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