Harvesting Your Property Investments

The best way to treat buy to let as a “business” is to plan for the long term. And, whilst it can sometimes be tempting to cash-in early and take your profit, you have to remember that the greatest benefits of property are obtained in the later years NOT the early years. To catch all…

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Where’s My Indexation Relief Gone and Does It Matter?

Property and UK Tax (Part 5)   Over the past few weeks we’ve been thinking about how holding our properties in a limited company is probably the most tax efficient route following the changes to Section 24. However, there are some challenges with this and as I’ve mentioned previously, there really is no perfect solution.…

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Why your property strategy and aspirations affect your tax bill

Property and UK Tax (Part 1) In my next few blog posts, I’m going to be thinking about taxes. I imagine this is probably not your favourite subject, but tax does play a vital role in property investing so please don’t navigate away just yet. At some point in your property journey you’ll be paying…

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