How do I make sure my deals work?

This week I answer a question from Jake, a budding investor who is keen to know; “What are the criteria I use when assessing whether a deal is viable?“ …And whether these criteria can be applied to BRR (Buy, Refurbish, Refinance) in terms of Rental Demand, Yield and Return on Investment (ROI). (You can find the…

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Finding Rent to Rent Deals

Estate Agents (Part 11)   We’re thinking about where to find our property deals and this week, we’re going to give some thought to rent to rents. Now, just to make sure I’m being completely transparent, this is not a strategy which I entertain myself. However, I do know many people who undertake rent to…

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Flipping Property To Other Investors

Estate Agents (Part 8)   Last week we began to think about flips and crucially how to find our flip properties so that we can find deals to sell on for a profit. Now, where you are going to find these properties is going to be largely determined by the type of flip that you’re…

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