Are The RICS Right That Property Prices Will Keep Increasing? (July 2021)

I’ve just seen this really interesting article on the BBC News Website which reports a RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) survey suggesting property prices will continue to increase over the next year because of the contracting supply of properties for sale. I’m sure most of us understand that it’s a basic concept in economics…

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The Basic “Buy to Let” Strategy

Property Strategies (Part 1)   Given that many of you reading this blog post are new to investing, over the next few weeks I’m going to be looking at the different types of property strategies and the pros and cons of each.   By the way, this doesn’t mean that if you’re an experienced investor…

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Do house prices still double every ten years? (Part Three)

Having taken a look at whether property values still double every 10 years in the UK, it’s now time to think about some of the drivers that actually affect property prices. Let’s first consider the increasing population. I’m not sure what’s going to happen with Brexit, but to all intents and purposes, we’re looking at…

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Do house prices still double every ten years? (Part Two)

Last week we began exploring whether house prices really do double every 10 years and we looked at a real example of this in practise. But is this example an anomaly or does it actually show that the trend is true and still correct?   To answer this question and to be able to see…

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Do house prices still double every ten years? (Part One)

This week I want to look into whether there is actually any truth in the statement that house prices double every ten years, and look at an example “in practise” in the video below. Whilst this video may not have the exact answer, it does help to give us a clue of UK trends. Back…

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