Flipping property for profit

Property Strategies (Part 3) This week we’re going to think about flipping. At its very core, flipping is all about buying a property as cheap as possible to then sell on and make a profit. Now, one would assume that in order to sell it on at a profit, you might have to do something…

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The Basic “Buy to Let” Strategy

Property Strategies (Part 1)   Given that many of you reading this blog post are new to investing, over the next few weeks I’m going to be looking at the different types of property strategies and the pros and cons of each.   By the way, this doesn’t mean that if you’re an experienced investor…

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Stop procrastinating and get started NOW!

10 Things I’ve Learnt (Part 10)   This is the final instalment of 10 things that I’ve learned over the last 20 years of investing in property for myself, and the last on the list is this: You have to get started now. Although it sounds rather ironic, when I started out on my own…

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