Stop procrastinating and get started NOW!

10 Things I’ve Learnt (Part 10)   This is the final instalment of 10 things that I’ve learned over the last 20 years of investing in property for myself, and the last on the list is this: You have to get started now. Although it sounds rather ironic, when I started out on my own…

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The quality of a JV depends on the quality of the partner

10 Things I’ve Learnt (Part 9)   This week we’re going to think about working with JV partners and what constitutes a “good” partnership.   Over the past 20 years of investing in property for myself, I’ve come to realise that the quality of a JV is very much down to the individual partner rather…

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You need to keep going no matter what

10 Things I’ve Learnt (Part 7)   It’s impossible to know what’s going to happen to you in property; but what I’ve learnt over the past 20 years of investing for myself is that if you just keep going, everything will (usually) work out fine eventually.   Regardless of how optimistic you are, you need…

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