How do I make sure my deals work?

This week I answer a question from Jake, a budding investor who is keen to know; “What are the criteria I use when assessing whether a deal is viable?“ …And whether these criteria can be applied to BRR (Buy, Refurbish, Refinance) in terms of Rental Demand, Yield and Return on Investment (ROI). (You can find the…

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Finding Properties for Creative Strategies

Estate Agents (Part 13)   Over the past couple of months, we’ve been thinking about how and where to find our property deals. We’ve looked into buy to lets, flips, serviced accommodation, rent to rents and commercial conversions – but, what approach should we take if we’re looking to undertake some of the more creative…

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Finding Commercial Conversion Deals

Estate Agents (Part 12)   It’s time to think about commercial conversions and how to find deals that will fit this strategy – but first, I want to think about why we would want to do commercial conversions in the first place. After all, from the outside, these sound like big deals and a lot…

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Finding Serviced Accommodation Deals

Estate Agents (Part 10)   Over the last few months we’ve been thinking about where to find our property deals. We’ve covered buy to lets, flip properties and HMOs. As such, we’re now on to serviced accommodation.     At its very core essence, serviced accommodation is not dissimilar to buy to lets. The big…

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