All About Buy To Let Finance And How to get It

FREE 50 Page Special Report To download your FREE copy please CLICK HERE (No email required) If judged by the numbers alone, buy to let has been hugely successful with around 4 million buy to let mortgages being lent since 1996. With the property market now in recovery the number of buy to let loans…

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Finding Serviced Accommodation Deals

Estate Agents (Part 10)   Over the last few months we’ve been thinking about where to find our property deals. We’ve covered buy to lets, flip properties and HMOs. As such, we’re now on to serviced accommodation.     At its very core essence, serviced accommodation is not dissimilar to buy to lets. The big…

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Rent to Rents – a great way to get started in property!

Property Strategies (Part 7)   Next on my list of principal property strategies that we can use in today’s market is Rent to Rent.   Very simply put, rent to rent is essentially sub-letting. Now, when you usually mention the term “sub-letting”, this tends to throw up images of some form of illegal or dodgy…

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What Happens If I Use A Trust Fund For My Property Investments?

Property and UK Tax Part 6   Occasionally I meet property investors who are very earnest and who tell me that their main priority is to leave a legacy for their children. What they would really like to do is to set up their businesses in such a way that they could have what would…

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How to finance your refurb project

Finance costs tend to be the greatest expense for any buy to let investor and those looking to hold and rent a property will need to think carefully about finance to be on the right path towards guaranteeing a profit. Any increase in the value of a property following a refurbishment can be potentially drawn…

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