Finding Serviced Accommodation Deals

Estate Agents (Part 10)   Over the last few months we’ve been thinking about where to find our property deals. We’ve covered buy to lets, flip properties and HMOs. As such, we’re now on to serviced accommodation.     At its very core essence, serviced accommodation is not dissimilar to buy to lets. The big…

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Stop procrastinating and get started NOW!

10 Things I’ve Learnt (Part 10)   This is the final instalment of 10 things that I’ve learned over the last 20 years of investing in property for myself, and the last on the list is this: You have to get started now. Although it sounds rather ironic, when I started out on my own…

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What do lenders look for when they assess an application?

Having found a suitable property – or preferably whilst looking for a suitable investment property – you will then need to look at financing your investment. There are many ways to finance a property, but let’s assume you plan to approach a traditional lender. This poses the question “what do lenders look for when they…

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How to guarantee a profit from buy to let

Having mentored a number of aspiring investors, I’ve come to realise that many start out believing that if they buy a property to rent out they will automatically make a profit. Their line of thinking usually follows that if they can buy enough properties they will make a lot of profit, and will then be…

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