“How To Renovate Property and Make a Profit Every Time”
Everything You Need To Know to Do Your Own Profitable Projects
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PLUS! A Special Half Price Offer For You as a ‘Thank You’ From Me – Order your Down-loadable eBook version for ONLY £14.97
OR, if you’d prefer a HARD COPY, it comes as a MANUAL in a 4-ring binder for only £49.97 inc p&p.
Dear Fellow property investor,
“How Professional Property Investors Really Make Property Renovation Profits – And How You Can Too!”
Buying a property that needs a bit doing to it, and giving it a bit of TLC and a quick ‘refurb’, can be one of the easiest, most fun, and most satisfying ways of making a profit in property.
I’ve literally lost count of how many properties I’ve renovated since I started back in 1995, certainly more than 100. Some I have sold-on at a profit. Others I’ve kept to let out and, if I’ve wanted to take “the profit”, I’ve refinanced and have drawn out the extra value I’ve created.
At the moment, as I write this, I have 3 projects on the go and am looking for my next one. These aren’t big developments, instead mainly they are normal residential houses, like terraced houses and semis, for which I know there is a ready market when I finish the project.
It’s bread and butter stuff; I buy the property and usually pop them back onto the market 4 or 5 months later and collect my profit. This is nice and easy, nothing complicated.
Don’t misunderstand me, I don’t say any of this to boast – I believe anyone can do this. I have no special skills, in fact I can’t even do DIY! In my home my wife does it because she knows she can’t trust me to hammer a nail in straight!
But I do have a system which pretty much guarantees me a profit every time BEFORE I start a renovation project, and I’ll show you how you can obtain and use the very same system in a moment so you can do your own, highly profitable property refurbishments.
If You Don’t Know How To Do it, Renovating a Property Can Be A Minefield
Let’s be honest, most people think that renovating property is an easy way to make money…UNTIL THEY TRY IT!
Sadly, the reality is that by 6 months into their projects, many ‘would-be’ renovators have all but given up on their dream of making a profit and are desperately trying to limit their losses instead.
It’s not their fault. TV shows like ‘Property Ladder’ and,more recently, ‘Homes Under The Hammer’, have fuelled a massive interest in buying a wreck and doing it up.
But programmes like this DON’T show you HOW TO DO IT!
If you want to be guaranteed a profit, you need to know how to find the right property, how to plan the project, how to cost the refurb and budget properly, how to put the right ‘power team’ in place, and how to exit.
These are things no-one ever shows you…until now!
Let Me Show You How You Can Guarantee Yourself a Profit…Every Time!
Renovating property for a profit isn’t rocket science, but you’d be surprised how many people do it get it wrong.
The good news is there are a few simple things you can do do before you start which will almost guarantee you a profit and success every time.
Peter Jones Book The Successful Property Renovators Workshop
If you want to renovate property, either to sell-on at a profit, or so you can add value and then refinance and borrow all of your money back out to spend on your next project, I’ll show you how in my best selling ebook The Successful Property Renovator’s Workshop.
This is a ‘course in a book’, which will take you through the whole ‘system’ for renovating for profit in detail.
This is based on my over 35 years in property, and the more than 100 properties I’ve refurbished. I’ve taken all my knowledge and experience, and have put it all down on ‘paper’ in this ‘easy to read’ ebook, so that you can do your own profitable refurb projects with confidence.
Here’s What You’ll Discover in The Successful Property Renovator’s Workshop
How to find the right projects – many would-be property renovators get this wrong by choosing projects that are either too small or too big -there’s a sweet-spot, and I’ll show you what it is.
How to cost the work so you don’t have any nasty surprises, so you can keep on budget, and create a profit
How to find the right contractors and builders to get the job done properly, on time and within budget
How to do your sums to make sure you make a profit and, most importantly, exactly how much profit you will make
One cost many investors ignore, but which can significantly affect the outcome and whether you made a profit or not
Why selling your property isn’t always the right exit strategy, and what you should do instaed
How to raise finance for the purchase and the project, and how to refinance when you have completed, so you can get ALL of your cash back out, and do it again
Why understanding your target market makes all the difference
Practical tips on how to make the project run smoothly, based on what I’ve found works and what doesn’t work when I’ve done my own projects
How to organise the project properly, confident that you will achieve a profitable outcome
How to make sure you don’t under-estimate the cost of the project or the time it will take
Why it’s easy to over-estimate the end value, and how to avoid this
Why it’s easy to do ‘too much’ work, and how to make sure you do exactly what is required so you don’t waste valuable time, and money
And much,much more!
In it I’ll show you how you can find, plan, prepare and do each project to ensure your own profitable success every time.
And none of this is just dry theory. This is all based upon my own, personal experience of refurbishing and renovating over 100 properties, which is why I use case studies of actual properties I’ve refurbished, along with photographs, to illustrate many of the points made.
In The Successful Property Renovator’s Workshop I’ll show you all the things I did right, so you can copy them.
And I’ll show you all the things I did wrong, so you can avoid them to save you years of trial and error, sleepless nights, and a lot of wasted money.
In other words, I’ll show you how you can tap into and use all of my experience and knowledge.
Order Your Copy NOW And You’ll Soon Be Doing Your Own Profitable Property Renovation Projects
The Successful Property Renovator’s Workshop is available as an ebook for you to download now and print off, or to read on your computer, or tablet, or ebook reader, for ONLY £29.97!
PLUS! A Special Half Price Offer For You as a ‘Thank You’ From Me – Order your Down-loadable eBook version for ONLY £14.97
OR, if you’d prefer a HARD COPY, it comes as a MANUAL in a 4-ring binder for only £49.97 inc p&p.
PLUS! Order Now And You’ll Receive This Valuable Bonus Worth £49.97 as A Special FREE Gift From Me
Many would-be property renovators are put off trying to do projects because they assume they won’t be able to get finance, or they don’t know how to finance their projects.
Others are prepared to give it a go but, because they choose the WRONG type of finance, they greatly reduce their profits.
The good news is that there are lenders will finance your projects for you if you know here to find them, and how to approach them.
Getting the right finance can often be the difference between success and failure.That’s why I’ll send you, as a special FREE bonus when you order your copy of The Successful Property Renovators Workshop, a 1½ hour audio recording of an interview I did with my financial guru and go-to person, in which we discuss the types of finance available for refurb projects, and HOW TO GET IT!
I’ve called it “How to Always Get The BEST Finance For Your Property Refurb Projects” and it does exactly what it says on the tin!
This audio is worth £49.97 in its own right but you’ll receive it for FREE when you order your copy of The Successful Property Renovators Workshop.
60 Day, No Quibble, Full Refund Guarantee
I know that the information in the Successful Property Renovator’s Workshop will be of immense value to all property investors.
But, naturally, there’s a full 60-day no-quibble money-back guarantee of complete satisfaction (which I trust you won’t need, but it’s there anyway), so there’s really nothing for you to lose when you order your copy.
If for any reason you’re not happy with your copy just email me if you order the ebook version, or return the manual if you order the hard copy version, within 60 days of receipt, and I’ll give you a full, no questions asked, refund.
PLUS, you can keep the FREE bonus as a ‘Thank you’ from me for trying it.
Order Your Copy NOW And You’ll Soon Be Doing Your Own Profitable Property Renovation Projects
The Successful Property Renovator’s Workshop is available as an ebook for you to download now and print off, or to read on your computer, or tablet, or ebook reader, for ONLY £29.97!
PLUS! A Special Half Price Offer For You as a ‘Thank You’ From Me – Order your Down-loadable eBook version for ONLY £14.97
OR, if you’d prefer a HARD COPY, it comes as a MANUAL in a 4-ring binder for only £49.97 inc p&p.
So please order your copy now and you can soon be on your way to starting your own highly profitable property projects, and be on the road to securing YOUR FINANCIAL FREEDOM FOR LIFE!
Here’s to profitable property renovation.
Peter Jones
Peter Jones B.Sc FRICS
Chartered Surveyor, author and property investor
PS Why reinvent the wheel? Grab your ebook download copy, or your hard copy manual version, of The Successful Property Renovator’s Workshop now and learn how you can guarantee a successful and profitable outcome every time you renovate a property for profit.
PPS Order now and I’ll also send you a FREE Bonus copy of the MP3 audio: “How to Always Get The BEST Finance For Your Property Refurb Projects” –…..WORTH £49.97 but yours COMPLETELY FREE
PPPS There’s a 60 day no quibble, no questions asked FULL REFUND GUARANTEE so you can order risk-free and with complete confidence.
PPPS Remember, there’s probably never been a better time to get started in property – so DON’T WAIT! Please order your copy NOW and you can soon be doing your own highly profitable property renovation projects and securing YOUR financial freedom!
PLUS! A Special Half Price Offer For You as a ‘Thank You’ From Me – Order your Down-loadable eBook version for ONLY £14.97
OR, if you’d prefer a HARD COPY, it comes as a MANUAL in a 4-ring binder for only £49.97 inc p&p.