All About Buy to Let Finance And How to Get It
(Updated 2018 to include sections on Portfolio Landlord rules, stress testing, lending to Limited Companies, and using SPVS)
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If judged by the numbers alone, buy to let has been hugely successful with almost 2 million buy to let mortgages being lent since 1996.
With the property market now in recovery the number of buy to let loans applied for, and lent, is only going to continue to increase.
Successful property investors will tell you that ‘Finding the right finance is as important as finding the right property’.
But getting a buy to let mortgage IS NOT like getting a mortgage to buy your own home.
Professional investors will tell you that “getting the right finance can make a good deal great, but getting the wrong finance can make a good deal poor”.
So surely it makes sense to know as much as you can about buy to let finance BEFORE you apply for your loans.
The problem is there are numerous buy to let lenders offering a bewildering array and choice of buy to let mortgage products. There are literally thousands to choose from, and all with different terms and criteria.
But if you know how ‘the system’ works, and understand what buy to let investors need and what lenders provide, you’ll greatly increase the chances of making a good deal a great deal.
And you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to raise the finance when you go about it in the right way.
If you are using, or if you are going to use, buy to let finance, let me help you to get started by answering many of the questions you should be asking about buy to let mortgages, and by giving you a quick guide to how buy to let finance works, and how to get it.
Amongst many other things, here’s what I’ll show you in All About Buy to Let Finance And How to Get It:
*Why purchasing buy to let property with a mortgage is actually a smart move, and why you don’t want to buy using cash
*Why borrowing to buy property makes perfect sense, and why buying property works better when you use someone else’s money!
*How to give yourself the best possible chance to get the loan you want
*The ‘black arts’ lenders indulge in which could de-rail your property investing
*How to find the best buy to let mortgage deals
*What your lender is looking for from your property
*What your lender is looking for from you!
*How to compare deals so you know you are getting the best one
*What lenders really don’t want, so you can avoid it
*What you can do if you have limited money to put in to a deal, or limited income
*What’s a DIP and when should I apply for one
*How much a lender will lend you
*What new investors should be thinking about
*Should you go for a fixed rate or a variable rate?
*Should you opt for interest only or capital repayment mortgages?
*What’s the best Loan to Value ratio today, and where do I get it?
*Can I move my buy to let mortgage to another property?
*What about borrowing on new builds?
*Should I use a mortgage broker and, if so, when?
*What if I can’t get a buy to let loan?
* What is a “Portfolio Landlord” and what does it mean for borrowing
* How do banks stress test – for individuals and for limited companies
* Why use a limited company and how do buy to let lenders treat and lend to limited companies
* What is an SPV and when do I use one
And much, much more.
And, just to get you started, in the Appendix, I’ve briefly summarised the terms of typical loans available TODAY from some of the main lenders in the business.
So please Click Here and and download your copy now.
Here’s to successful property investing.
Peter Jones
(ex) Chartered Surveyor, author and property investor
PS. In All About Buy to Let Finance and How to Get It I’m going to show you the things that make the difference if you want to be successful in buy to let, the ‘must know’ information to help you make the most of the ‘buy to let’ opportunity
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