I will personally email you the links – this is not an instant download – if I’m not in the office when you order please bear with me, I will send you the links.
Property Secrets ``The Successful Property Investor's Strategy Workshop`` Offer
Introducing The Easy Way to Own £2m of Property in 4 Short Years
Dear Friend and fellow property investor,
If You Really Want to be Financially Free in Property, Do it The Easy Way – Just Copy What I Did!
Let me save you years of wasted time, effort and money, and show you how to get it right, from the start! Would you like to own your own MULTI-PROPERTY PORTFOLIO and be financially free living off the passive income it produces? Or perhaps you don’t want to be quite so aggressive and would just like a FEW BUY TO LETS TO SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME? Or perhaps you just want or need A COUPLE OF PROPERTIES TO HELP WITH YOUR PENSION? Whatever your reasons for wanting to invest in property I can help you so please read on.When I started investing for myself I bought £2m of property in my first 4 years, and that was with starting from scratch and using NONE of my own money.
And I will show YOU how YOU can do the same.
Looking at the market now, there are many similarities to when I first started, and many experts agree that if you want to be financially free using property, NOW is the best time in years in which to buy. If the experts are right, this means that this is the perfect opportunity for you to do the same as I did and put together…
The same techniques and strategies I used then STILL WORK JUST AS WELL TODAY. In fact I’m using them to buy even more property today. Whether you want a large portfolio, or just a few properties, you can tap into my experience and knowledge and achieve your property goals far more quickly and easily than I did. I’ll show you how in a moment.
Who am I and Why Should You Listen to Me?
But I’m getting ahead of myself so let me start by introducing myself. I’m Peter Jones, a Chartered Surveyor, an author and a property investor. I’ve been in property all of my working life, over 30 years, and I’ve done very well out of it.
But if you know my story, you’ll know that it hasn’t always been that way. If you’d seen me at the end of November 1995 you’d have seen I had just been made redundant and had no savings to fall back on. I had a wife and young family to support but had just lost my job and my regular income. I had no choice but to start for myself in property and make it work.
After several years of trial and error, and after making many mistakes, I eventually found the system which allowed me to put together my own multi-million pound property portfolio, using none of my own money (after all, I didn’t have any!) and live off the income it produces.
In a moment I’m going to show you how I can help you to use THE SAME SYSTEM to do the same and put together your own multi-property, multi-million portfolio.
I know that I’ve been the catalyst for many other people’s success too, those who’ve read my property books and have been guided by my courses. I’ve certainly heard some amazing success stories from readers over the years. But you might be thinking, “Why do I need help? Why can’t I just go out and buy a property? Surely it’s easy?” Good question but let me ask you a question in return.
If Property Investing is So Easy, Why do so Many Get it So Wrong?
Although the principles of property investing are simple, I meet a lot of people who just don’t get it right. Before they start many property investors assume buying investment property is as easy as just going out and buying any old property. Sadly, any old property really won’t do. At best buying the wrong properties means poor returns or at least not doing as well in property as you hoped you would. At worst it leaves investors in serious financial difficulties, with all the associated worries, stress and other problems.
Will You Make These Three Simple but Costly Mistakes in Property?
In my experience, when property investing does go wrong it’s often because an investor has made one or more of the following three mistakes.
Mistake Number One – Many people try their hand at property investing without really knowing what they want to achieve from property.
Sure, they may have vague ideas like, ‘I want to get into property’ or ‘I want to be a property investor’ or ‘I want to buy a few properties’ or ‘I want a few buy to lets to give me a bit of income’, but it’s all a bit wishy-washy.
They might think, “I know what I want, I want to make some money from property”. But that raises lots of other questions.
Does that mean making some income from cash-flow, or by building up equity, or even by making cash lump-sums from developing and trading? How much income do they mean? And when do they need it by? Each answer might require following a different strategy and buying different types of properties, possibly in different locations.
I know from my own experience, and from talking to, and mentoring, many investors one-on-one, that unless you are specific about what you want, your investing is going to be wishy-washy as well. That’s why so many investors don’t get the results they hope for.
Mistake Number Two – If you don’t really know what you want to achieve, then how can you choose the right property?
And if you don’t know the strategy that’s best for you, how can you possibly buy the properties that are right for you?
The truth is that you can’t! After all, if you don’t really know what you want, then any property will do. As a result, many investors buy the wrong property or properties, and then wonder why it all went wrong.
The Simple Truth is “Any old property WON’T DO”
But sadly many investors just end up buying the house around the corner because “It’s ‘handy to manage’”, or, ”We got it at 5% off the asking price”, or, “It’s a nice house in a nice area” or, “I haven’t seen it yet but it was so cheap, what could possibly go wrong?”
I’m sure you get the idea but the point is that unless you know what you are trying to achieve, have the right strategy to achieve what you are trying to achieve, and buy using property investment fundamentals, you will always be at risk of making a very costly mistake.
Believe me, I’ve seen it happen far too many times. Many investors ignore or don’t understand these basic truths and principles and, far from being financially free in property, end up stressed and struggling to make it all work.
Mistake Number Three – Many investors hand over responsibility for their investing to third parties who, naturally, don’t care as much about the outcome as the investor themselves.
For example, I’ve never fully understood the appeal of firms that sell new-build properties at an apparent substantial discount, only to find the property doesn’t perform as it should because the figures were over-inflated from the start.
Another thing which winds me up are those agents who offer so called “below market value” deals on ‘distressed property’, and who charge several thousand pounds for finding you a terraced property which you could easily have found yourself, if you’d just known how and where to look.
This is even more noxious when the properties are advertised as ‘cash-flow’ positive when, by using just a little common sense, one can quickly see just from looking at the brief details on the advert, that the agents haven’t accounted for all the costs!
If you know how to find bargain property yourself, you don’t need to pay out finder’s fees, or put yourself at risk of buying a so called ‘cash-flow positive’ property which will eat into your finances.
Ending up with a poor property and paying someone else a finder’s fee for your troubles is a nightmare situation you’ll want to avoid, but one which many investors find themselves in unnecessarily.
And I haven’t even got into the point that…
Too Many People Think That Buying a Buy to Let Investment is Like Buying Their Own Home – IT ISN’T!
Buying a Buy to Let investment property ISN’T anything like buying your own home, but many investors treat them both the same.
And this is probably the BIGGEST MISTAKE! Perhaps being a nation of home owners makes us a bit complacent and makes us think we know more than we do? After all, a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing, especially when it comes to spending large amounts of money on investment properties.
There is a fundamental truth about property investing which I have discovered over the years and it explains why some investors make it, whilst the majority don’t.
And it’s this:
“Anyone can buy a property, but not everyone buys the RIGHT properties”
In my opinion, that’s the difference between success and failure, or the difference between doing okay and doing very well indeed.
Successful investors know exactly which properties they need to buy to attain their goals; they have a system to find those properties; and they take the necessary steps to acquire them AT THE RIGHT PRICE AND ON THE RIGHT TERMS.
Anything less than that and they won’t buy. It’s as simple as that.
Unlike the unsuccessful majority, they don’t just stumble into deals.
Successful property investors:
- Know their strategy,
- They have a plan, and
- They take actions that are consistent with their plan.
It’s not down to luck that they are successful. They have planned for success. And now YOU CAN TOO!
The good news is I’m going to show you … How You Can Put Together Your Own Portfolio, And How You Can Easily Avoid All of These Mistakes. And…
How To Buy The Properties That Are Right For You.
Having built my own property portfolio from scratch, and having literally started with none of my own money, I’ve constructed my very own ‘course in a book’, all in one easy-to-absorb volume (although it is big – 178 pages of A4), so that you can have all the information you need at your fingertips to put together a portfolio of your own.
I’ve called it The Successful Property Investor’s Strategy Workshop and in it I tell the story of how I built my portfolio, and I’ll show you exactly how you can do the same.
By the way, this isn’t rocket science. Anyone can do this, but you have to go about it the right way.
Indeed, you can copy my model, if you wish to.
That’s why I’ll show you everything I did right, so you can do the same, and everything I did wrong, so you can avoid making the same mistakes.
I’ve even included real-life examples of actual properties I’ve bought, so you can see how it all works in practice and YOU CAN DO THE SAME.
Let Me Save You Years of Wasted Time, Money and Effort and Show You How To Do It Properly From The Start.
It took me at least 5 years of trial and error to learn and develop the system which allowed me buy my properties so let me save you time and money, and help you to reduce your risk, by sharing my experience and knowledge with you.
By using the principles, strategies and techniques I’m going to share with you, I bought £2m of property in my first 4 years. Not bad considering I started with nothing, other than the house I live in.
“Knowledge On It’s Own Isn’t Enough: You Also Need To Know How To Apply That Knowledge”
But I know from personal experience that taking the theory and applying it in practice isn’t always that easy.
That why I’ve created The Successful Property Investor’s Strategy Workshop so I can help you do exactly that; I will help you to plan for success and I will help you to put the theory into practice.
And it’s all contained within the 178 pages of The Successful Property Investor’s Strategy Workshop.
Here’s What You Will Discover In The Successful Property Investor’s Strategy Workshop
The Successful Property Investor’s Strategy Workshop is a comprehensive work that encompasses the whole gamut of property investment from A-Z and which concentrates on the all-important aspects of strategy and planning.
In it I’ll show you the techniques that all successful property investors use; a tried and tested formula that almost guarantees your rise to the top, can put an end to the laborious 9-5, and reveals the secrets which secure financial independence in the quickest possible way.
Well, for a start I shall tell you the story of how I built my portfolio, using these techniques. and how I started off from scratch and built it to £2 million pounds in my first 4 years. (That’s right, from nothing, with none of my own money).
And I’ll show you exactly how you can do the same.
We’re talking about an exceptionally valuable resource for experienced and inexperienced investors alike, a total “How To” of property investing with information I really wish I’d had access to when I started out.
In The Successful Property Investor’s Strategy Workshop I Will Show You (and these are just a taster)…
*How I went from being broke, with a limited income and virtually no savings, and within 4 years owned two property companies with combined assets worth £2 MILLION POUNDS!
*Why absolutely anyone can buy a property, but why buying the wrong property is a big mistake – I’ll show you how to ensure you buy the property that is right for you.
*How to buy below market value time and time again and guarantee yourself a positive return from Day One.
*Why a vendor will thank you for taking under-value property off their hands, and why you should snap it up.
*2 really simple and obvious but little-used ways you can supercharge your returns from property.
*How to use “the greatest invention of man – the eighth wonder of the world” to slash the time it takes you to achieve your property goals.
*Why it really is easy to get as much OPM (Other People’s Money) as you need, and WHY DEBT CAN BE GOOD FOR YOU!
*How you can quickly and easily secure as much finance as you need to start your property business immediately.
*How you can grow the value of your properties by making just a few simple and inexpensive changes (this is clever stuff).
*Why ordinary people like you and me can be successful property investors.
*Why you don’t need to be rich, clever, well-educated or an “expert” to be a highly-successful property investor.
*How virtually anyone can build a portfolio of multiple properties producing £1,000’s in income and £100,000’s in equity.
*How you can learn from my mistakes, and why the person who’s not making any mistakes isn’t trying hard enough.
*How to avoid the mistake of considering property to be an ‘investment’.
*How to discover the strategy that’s perfectly right for you, and then plan for property success accordingly.
And That’s Not All! I’ll Also Show You:
*Why residential property is never going to go out of fashion, and why we’ll never have enough of it.
*2 questions you must ask yourself before you buy property.
*How to tell if a particular property is right for you, and why you need to know now.
*How you can profit from the 3 principle financial benefits of owning property.
*How you can create lump-sums of cash, a regular income, and build your equity, all through property.
*2 things you need to think about before renovating a property, but which most investors overlook (at their cost). *The whole truth about rented property, and HOW YOU CAN MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU whilst it fails for others.
*How to set your property goals, devise your strategy, and then make a plan to achieve them.
*The 5 basic building blocks of any successful property investor’s plan, and why you must use them to accelerate your success.
*5 templates you can use to make your plan, and then start implementing them tomorrow.
*3 common misconceptions about property, and why they could cost you dear.
*3 crucial steps you must take before you buy your properties.
*Why you need to regularly review your strategy and goals, and what can happen if you don’t.
*3 simple but highly-effective techniques you can use to source high-performing investment property.
*3 buying criteria used by one of the world’s top property investors.
*How to find the next property hotspot ahead of the crowd.
*Why buying near the coast can be good for your wealth.
*How to get free expert advice, and why this is essential for any serious property investor.
*3 things a successful property investor must possess.
*How you can develop the right mindset to be a successful property investor.
*How to be the captain of your own “winning team”.
*The research you must do before buying any property, and where you can find the information quickly and easily.
*3 questions you must be able to answer when you’ve finished your research.
*How to analyse all your deals so as to minimise the risks involved in any purchase.
*The one method of property valuation you must use and why it will save you an absolute fortune.
*When you should hold your properties, and, importantly, when you should sell.
*4 hassle-free ways of making extra income from your portfolio. *How to get onto the property ladder without any money of your own.
*How to decide to take out loans interest-only, or capital repayment But that’s not all, by no means.
*5 reasons why property beats all other types of investment hands down.
*The real truth about carpets and decorations (you’ll be surprised).
These 178 pages of practical information will help any aspiring property investor to take the huge steps they need to ensure success.
AND FINALLY, In The Successful Property Investor’s Strategy Workshop, YOU WILL ALSO Discover
*3 universal strategies that all seriously successful property investors use.
*One further strategy you should ignore at your peril.
*5 absolutely essential ingredients of any successful property investment plan, including 2 powerful tools, which together will almost assure your success.
*5 simple and immediate plans for making property profits which you can actually start using tomorrow.
*1 key unalterable truth about property, which few people know about, that you sincerely must apply if you want to succeed in a big way.
And just to prove that this isn’t dry theory or textbook or classroom pontification (you’ll know this if you’ve read any of my previous books anyway) I’ll show you in detail how I have built my portfolio.
So Save Yourself a Lot of Time and Trouble and ‘Tap’ Into And Use My 30 Years+ Experience in Property
Now, you can have the benefit of all of my experience from over 30 years in property, for only a few pounds, and absorb the information at your leisure in the comfort of your armchair.
What better way could there be to begin your property empire or accelerate the growth of your existing portfolio?
Stop Me and Please Order Your Copy NOW!
Read It Anytime, Anywhere!
The Successful Property Investor’s Strategy Workshop ebook is available on various platforms so you can read it even if you are on the go. Get it for ONLY £29.97!
I will personally email you the links – this is not an instant download – if I’m not in the office when you order please bear with me, I will send you the links.
PLUS! Order Now And You’ll Receive These Valuable FREE Bonuses as A Special Gift From Me

Special FREE Bonus Number One
I’ve put together a series of 4 videos (with over 90 minutes of content) to explain why strategy and property strategies are so important and to help you to choose from the different property strategies the strategy or strategies which will work for you.
I will be adding to this library of videos on a regular basis and you will have permanent access to them all.

Special FREE Bonus Number Two
“How to Always Get The BEST Finance For Your Property Deals” – top tips from a top UK mortgage broker.
First, you’ll receive a free copy of “How to Always Get The BEST Finance For Your Property Deals”.
This an MP3 audio file of an interview I conducted with one of the UK’s top experts on buy to let finance, in which he covers many of issues around buy to let, and gives his top tips for successfully raising ALL of the finance you need.
I have considered selling this as a product in its own right for £49.97 because it contains so much great information but, when you order your copy of The Successful Property Investor’s Strategy Workshop, you will receive it as FREE gift from me.

Special FREE Bonus Number Three
“Your ‘Must Know’ Answers to the Top 14 Most Common Property FAQs” – Audio file download
An audio file download, value £49.97, containing the 14 top Property FAQs, with ‘must know’ tips and information, based on the questions YOU ask me.
Whenever I meet and talk to fellow investors, the same questions always come up, time and again, including:
Where will I find the best property deals?
What if my strategy doesn’t work where I live?
Where should I be buying, and how do I find my properties?
Should I buy at auction?
How much should I gear up, and much borrowing is safe?
Should I still be using interest only mortgages, especially if tax relief on interest is to be limited?
How do I structure my property business, and own or hold my properties?
What if the market crashes in the future?
What is the most tax efficient way to own property?
And many more
In fact, I cover, and answer in detail, the top 14 questions I am always asked.
You’ll receive this Audio Download as a FREE SPECIAL BONUS when you order your copy of The Successful Property Investor’s Strategy Workshop

Special FREE Bonus Number Four
You’ll receive my regular (usually weekly) newsletter which will give you news, views and offers – like offers from my mortgage broker to help you to finance your deals, details of deals on my other property information and other great stuff you’ll find extremely valuable.
60 Day No Quibble, Full Refund Guarantee
I know that the information in the Successful Property Investor’s Strategy Workshop will be of immense value to all property investors, or I wouldn’t be writing this in this way. All I’m ever interested in is value-for-money, and that applies whether I’m buying (especially property), but also whether I’m selling.
So, naturally, there’s a full 60-day no-quibble money-back guarantee of complete satisfaction (which I trust you won’t need, but it’s there anyway), so there’s really nothing for you to lose.
If for any reason you’re not happy with your copy just email me if you order the ebook version, or return the manual if you order the hard copy version, within 60 days of receipt, and I’ll give you a full, no questions asked, refund.
PLUS, you can keep the FREE bonuses as a ‘Thank you’ from me for trying it.
Order Your Copy NOW To Get Started On Your Success In Property And To Secure Your Future Financial Freedom
- The Successful Property Investor’s Strategy Workshop
- Introducing The Easy Way to Own £2m of Property in 4 Short Years
- £29.97
I will personally email you the links – this is not an instant download – if I’m not in the office when you order please bear with me, I will send you the links.
Please order your copy now and you can soon be on your way to starting your own highly profitable property portfolio, and be on the road to securing YOUR FINANCIAL FREEDOM FOR LIFE!
Here’s wishing you continued success with your property investments, as always, I’d be delighted if I can play a small part in that success.
Here’s to successful property investing!
Peter Jones
(ex) Chartered Surveyor, Author & Property Investor
PS Why reinvent the wheel? Grab your ebook download copy, or your hard copy manual version of The Successful Property Investor’s Strategy Workshop now and learn how you can put together your multi-million pound property portfolio.
PPS Order now and I’ll also send you a FREE Bonus copy of the MP3 audio: “How to Always Get The BEST Finance For Your Property Deals” – top tips from a top UK mortgage broker …..worth £49.97
PPPS And you’ll also receive a special bonus copy of my audio; “Your ‘Must Know’ Answers to the Top 14 Most Common Property FAQs” – worth £49.97
PPPPS There’s a 60 day no quibble, no questions asked FULL REFUND GUARANTEE so you can order risk-free and with complete confidence.
PPPPS Remember, there’s probably never been a better time to get started in property – so DON’T WAIT! Please order your copy NOW and you can soon be putting together your own multi-property, multi-million pound portfolio and securing YOUR financial freedom!